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This Gift Voucher is for 2 People for a 1 Hour Session BloKarting Experience.

Great Fun for ALL the Family.

All Participants Must be over 12 years of age.
If any participants are under 12 years of age then an adult must take them out in a Blokart Sidecar, they will unfortunately not be allowed to sail on solo.

This is a 1 Hour Blokarting Session For 2 People and it will be sent out to you as an E-Voucher.

The voucher will be emailed to you once we have received your email with the details required below answered. We will then email your voucher to the named purchaser.
Please send us by email the following details to:

1: All Participants Names to be Valid on the Voucher


2: All Participants Ages

3: All Participants Heights

4: Date the voucher is required by

If you are looking to book more than 5 people in your session then please contact us as we are happy to offer you discount for group, corporate and parties etc.

Gift Voucher - For 2 People (Over 12's) 1 Hour BloKarting Session

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